Brandidly Blog

March 3, 2023
Lindsay Gillanders

Blogging to support social media: 4 reasons why it’s a powerful tool for success!

Lindsay Gillanders Brandidly CommunicationsBlogging to support social media is key! Write, write write. Why? These days, social media is king and creating unique and engaging ‘content’ to keep your feeds fresh and interesting is key. If you’re struggling with what to post on your pages, you should be blogging.

There are a ton of really great reasons why you should utilize a blog on your website. Blogs will help with SEO, allow you to better connect with your customers, better establish yourself as a leader in your field (you have knowledge to share!), and even better establish marketing tools like mailing lists.

Here’s why you should be blogging to support your social media:

Content, content, content! Blogging to support social media creates content!

Struggling with social media content? Blogging to support social media will go a LONG way because one blog post can be broken down into so many different social media posts.

Say you’re a makeup artist and you’re writing a blog that compares five different types of mascara:

  • Each one of the five types that you review can be posted to your Facebook or Instagram like a mini-review which is five posts right there.
  • You can also share the blog itself with a headline like “Heading to Sephora? Here are the mascara brands that I think you should buy and the ones that you should skip”.
  • Later on in the summer, you can re-share it saying something like “Looking for a mascara that won’t run in the heat? Check out my review of five major brands to keep you raccoon eye-free this season”.

You can also create graphics, statistics, and interesting facts that can be shared. A photo of you wearing a specific brand for example that just says “10 hours of wear and not a single smudge! Thank you insert-company-name-here!”.

Organize your thoughts and be a thought leader

Blogging to support social media allows you to really think about a subject and organize your thoughts. you can have a TON of knowledge on a subject but if it all just comes out as a jumble people won’t connect with it.

Sharing a link to a blog will allow you to get your whole argument or thought process in front of your audience in a way that a straight social media post won’t. You can share a tiny bit on your page and then invite your audience back to your blog for more. They’ll like what you’re saying and your relationship will move from an ‘interesting social media account’ to a true industry leader.

Nothing goes further to establish a sale than knowing what you’re talking about!

Blogging to support social media will drive traffic to your website

Sure, people can find you on the internet organically. Perhaps your SEO is on point and a Google search of “best makeup artists” makes you pop up on the first page. But wait, how did that happen? OH YA, THROUGH BLOGGING TO SUPPORT SOCIAL MEDIA!

Every time you blog you have another page full of keywords that makes the search engine algorithms happy. This increases your chances of ranking higher and being found easier via search. It also tells Google and other search engines that your page is active and that it should check you out and suggest you more often.

You should also be driving traffic to your website so that people can learn more about you and your product. How many pages have you painstakingly created on your website? TONS! get people to the site so that they can read all of the information that you have painstakingly created for them. If it’s created correctly, they’ll read it, fall in love, and buy what you’re selling.

This brings us to the next point…

Lead conversion via blogging for social media

In a perfect world, customers would be sliding into your DMs left right and centre trying to buy your product via social media. This can happen and DOES happen, but it’s not a foolproof way to grow your business and create leads.

This is how it works if you’re utilizing a blog as part of your marketing strategy:

a blog drives traffic to the website -> website captures interest -> conveniently placed call to action (CTA) allows the customer to take action that is beneficial to your business

That action could be making a purchase (“Click here to buy this gorgeous, must-have spring sweater!”), joining an email list for further marketing (“Never miss a blog post! Sign up for our mailing list today!”), or contacting you directly (“Call us now to start marketing smarter!”)

When you’re blogging to support social media you should 100% include a CTA at the bottom of your article. That’s how you turn that traffic coming to your blog into leads for your sales team. Not every blog reader will become a lead, and not every lead will become a sale but that’s okay, there’s always another blog to write.

Want help blogging to support social media, help upping your social media game, or to learn more about marketing for small businesses? Give us a shout. We would love to help!